Ke Kula 'o Samuel M. Kamakau
Laboratory Public Charter School

Papahana » Pae Waena/Alakaʻi (Middle/High School)

Pae Waena/Alakaʻi (Middle/High School)

Papa Waena/Alakaʻi (Middle and High School)
Papa Waena/Alakaʻi consists of grades 7-12. Students continue their Hawaiian Medium education with one English course offered each year. Kamakau students meet the BOE requirements for high school graduation in the State of Hawaiʻi, usually graduating with additional credits. 
College and Career Program-
Our students are blessed with the numerous opportunities offered at Kamakau, exposing them to a successful future in college and/or career. The development and strengthening of our College and Career Program have been identified needs in our school's Strategic Plan. 
College and Career Program opportunities offered during the 2023-2024 school year include some of the following-

Dual Credit Offerings- In partnership with the Windward Community College, college courses are offered to all eligible students in grades 9-12
     • HAW 201-202 - Intermediate Hawaiian (8 credits), offered Summer 2023
     • HWST 110- Huakaʻi Waʻa (3 credits), offered Summer 2023
     • IS 103- Introduction to College (3 credits), offered Fall 2023
     • HWST 135- Kālai Lāʻau, Hawaiian Woodworking (3 credits), offered Fall 2023
     • MATH 115- Introduction to Statistics and Probability (3 credits) offered Spring 2024
     • ERTH 103- Geology of the Hawaiian Islands (3 credits), offered Spring 2024