Ke Kula 'o Samuel M. Kamakau
Laboratory Public Charter School

Papahana » Pae (Elementary)

Pae (Elementary)

Pae Haʻahaʻa (Elementary)
Elementary grades, by intent and design consist of multi-age classrooms to replicate the ʻohana system. The following grade levels are grouped together-
• Mālaaʻo (kindergarten)
• Papa 1-2 (grades 1-2)
• Papa 3-4 (grades 3-4)
• Papa 5-6 (grades 5-6)
Elementary grades follow a quarterly thematic units based on the Kumulipo. Students delve into the Universe in Quarter 1, starting with the big picture first and end the year with a focus on people and themselves. The following are the thematic units taught throughout the school year- 
  • Quarter 1- Ka ʻŌnaeao/ Universe
  • Quarter 2- Ka Honua/ Earth
  • Quarter 3- Holoholona & Mea Kanu/ Plants and Animals
  • Quarter 4- Kanaka/ People
Elementary students have been fortunate recipients of the AITS (Artists in the Schools) grant for the past 6 years in partnership with the Honolulu Theatre for Youth, each year focusing on a different story of place to orient them to their communities through dramatic expression.